What is your body’s story?

All our tissues have a narrative.

Using a mix of physical training, breathwork and cranial osteopathy my work exists to help you edit, improve and re-write your body’s story.


Where the narrative begins…

Many of the people I work with visualise a strong, harmonious and robust body.

Learning to interpret your body’s signals and messages rather than trying to “fix” these communications is a powerful way to create long game health.

To learn to re-write and scale the masterpiece of the human body takes consistency and patience. My work helps you realise your story by using a combination of hands on therapy coupled with strength training, breathwork and clear explanations of principals in physiology, functional anatomy and pain science.

Sound like a story you’d like to read? Just click the button below to share your tale to date and we’ll make a time to talk.


Book Online.

Would you like to make an appointment? Click for my online calendar and find a date and time. If you have an existing appointment it can be cancelled via your confirmation email.

Baseline Breathing.

Baseline Breathing is an online program designed for health practitioners who work with breathing or who want to. Baseline spells out the basics and the details of how and why breath work is so transformational.